Friday, September 21, 2007


OK, most everybody already probably knows, but the WPBeach Municipal golf course has a great breakfast.
Super scrambled eggs, french toast and home fries have been reported after several recent Saturday AM visits by the Churchillian staff, including the editor.

The big windows give diners a big view of the course, which once drew the likes of Arnold Palmer and a young Jack Nicklaus. This was back in the days when the PGA golfers would travel to games in their station wagons and stay in nearby hotels.
The city is thinking of remodeling the course next to Forest Hill Community High School, but a tight budget year makes that unlikely this year -- or next.
The plan is to knock down the clubhouse and build a new one. Also, change the entrance from Parker Ave., and move it east to Lake Ave.

There is also a bar, over looking the practice green.
The Churchillian is planning an afternoon research mission soon to the bar.
Stay tuned for a update.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Predicting the unpredictable weather in South Florida doesn't scare Mark "Partly Cloudy" Brinkman.

Churchill Road's second most popular meteorologist bravely weighed in Sunday with his Tropical Outlook for the remainder of the 2007 Hurricane Season.

His forecast -- just in time for the peak of the season Sept. 10 - is no hurricanes will strike the U.S. coast. None. Zippo.

Mark is thrilled at another no-storm season. But he did admit to one regret.

"I won't be able to lie down in the middle of Dixie Highway during a blackout," he said. "At least not this year."

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Once again, the Brinkmans make having a great party look easy.
About two dozen Miami Dolphins fans turned out for Sunday's opener.
But the fish fizzled out in overtime, losing an exciting game to the Washington Redskins.
(Photos by Churchillian)

Bonnie's blog

Young Bonnie is striking out on her own with a blog.

Called Ms Giggles, it chronicles the life of a preteen middle schooler. You can find her blog at

We'll add a link to it in the neighborhood links column on the right.

Today's entry: Going to the emergency room and meeting a cute guy.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Churchillians all remember the big, bad Dumpster next to Fruita Fresca.
Jammed with wooden boxes, old vegetables and who knows what else, the thing has been there way too long.
Quietly, it has vanished, hopefully for good.
(Photo by Churchillian)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Susan and Darren and Briana

Darren and Susan checked in from North Carolina.

It was great to hear from them. (They were bummed to miss another Brinkman Churchill party!)

They have a pretty new house AND a new blog. Here's the link to

Susan reports that she loves her new hometown. She also has an update on Elmer, who used to live in the pink house across the street from her.

She gives a big shout-out to her Churchill nabes.

Susan, We'll add a link to your blog to our neighborhood links list on the right. Because - no matter how far you roam - you and Darren and Briana will always be Churchillians.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Churchillians are invited to a Sunday afternoon football party to watch the Miami Dolphins hammer the Washington Redskins.
Festivities start around noon. Another expert grilling performance is planned by Mark.
Side dishes are welcome.

Monday, September 03, 2007


(Photo by Churchillian)

What would Capt. Nemo say?
Like his biggest fan on Churchill Road, the bearded Capt. in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was known as an innovator.

But toilets, like nuclear submarines named "Nautilus", don't last forever.

The bronze toilet that once graced Barry's "Nautilus" bathroom is gone.
But the memory of Nemo lives on with a new (circa 1970s) model.