Wednesday, December 12, 2007

They're back!

From Barry:

I was home Tuesday afternoon when I noticed a tall, gray-haired man
smoking a cigarette and shuffling around the end of my driveway. After
a few minutes curiosity got the best of me and I went walked out to my
car and the man asked about my trees. He said they were just about the
prettiest pine trees he'd ever seen. Generally, Floridians despise
trees so I figured he wasn't local.

After a brief discussion on the proper pruning techniques of Norfolk
Island Pines, he mentioned that he was here location scouting for a
movie. I glanced down the street where there was a white van and 4 or
5 people standing in front of Kevin's house. "Don't tell me..." I
said, "the dog movie."

He introduced himself as "Ed" and I introduced myself as "The Fearless
Single Woman of Churchill Road," hoping for a part.

Looks like they're back!