Saturday, February 11, 2006

Workers Close Churchill Road For Five Hours, Fix Broken Pipe

Blue and yellow recycling bins have languished on the sidewalks of Churchill Road this week because of a busted sewer pipe on the east end. Utility workers swept in Feb. 8 to dig up and fix the sewer pipe from Barry's house, closing Churchill Road between Dixie Highway and Olive Ave. from about 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. That stopped the recycling guys from collecting.
"When the phone company installed their line, they damaged the sewer line. Their toilet," said a helmeted West Palm Beach utility fixer-upper, pointing toward Barry's house, "should work better now." The phone company will be billed for the work, he added.
After repairing the sewer pipe, workers replaced the driveway on the house east of Barry's. They left the orange-striped barricades until the cement hardened. Recycling bins, many overflowing from the extra week's worth of empty bottles and old newspapers, are scheduled to be collected Tuesday, Feb. 14.


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