Wednesday, May 31, 2006


EXPERT ADVICE from PB Post, Sunday May 21

Gwen Carden – Be a Good Neighbor

QUESTION: The neighbors on both sides of me have generators that ran every night after Hurricane Wilma for two weeks, until the power resumed. The noise was deafening and fumes poured into my open windows. I’m still angry.
Shouldn’t the neighbors know it’s common courtesy to silence their genereators late at night so that people who are sleeping with open windows can at least have some peace and quiet? I’m thinking of calling the police next time.

ANSWER: Ah, dear reader, if only common courtesy were common. While your neighbors were snug in their partially powered pads, you were boiling and rolling at the injustice of it all. Common courtesy calls for turning off generators between 11p.m. and 6 a.m. but not everyone is courteous.
I know it’s not easy, but consider chatting informally with your neighbors before hurricane season rolls around again. Say something like, “I’m sure you didn’t realize that your generator noise and fumes disturbed my sleep last year. Would you consider turning it off overnight if you use it again?”
Some people are so wrapped up in survival that their social consciousness is temporarily dulled. If you get a curt “no,” resign yourself to your fate and invest in some earplugs. Maybe your neighbors (or at least one) will see your side and be more considerate.
While I’d like to tell you that there’s legal recourse, even communities with noise ordinances suspend them in disaster situations, so calling the police won’t have any effect.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


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Do this dance once, and you can skip steps 4 - 7.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Marley and Me, Part Deux

Sunday marked the 30th week that the non-fiction book by former Churchill Road resident John Grogan has been on the New York Times non-fiction best-seller list - it's still No. 1. And we're not even talking about the paperback rights yet!
John Grogan, who lived with his wife Jenny in the Cheddar Cheese house, still seem a little in awe of the whole thing. You can check Mr. Grogan's blog at

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Despite the threat of thunderstorms, a big night at the Brinkmans' marked the long Memorial Day weekend with a barbecue on the pool deck. Tom and Coleen and Noah made the scene. Here's a photo of the the Three Stooges -- take your pick who is Moe -- talking about important stuff.

Karin kept the beverages flowing and everything was fine,,,,, until the blue skies gave way to BLACK!

So Mark and Bill BRAVELY grilled through the storm while Carolyn and Karin retreated inside. Tom and Coleen had headed south to (click here for website) Mykonos
- and we don't think they're back yet!
Dinner at the Brinkman's was burgers, hot dogs and the best sweet corn Palm Beach County has to offer.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Here we see Darren with new baby Briana at a recent Churchill Road bash. It seems like just yesterday when he and Susan welcomed home the little bundle.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


As the Palm Beach County housing market cools faster than hot fudge on a Carvel ice cream sundae, more and more houses are on -- and staying on -- the market. Here on Churchill Road, there are five houses for sale (see photos below) between Dixie Highway and the Intracoastal Waterway.
The Churchillian's Real Estate Special Investigative Team interviewed dozens -- well, not that many -- real estate experts. We asked them for an explanation of why the boom is busted and how long this real estate ice age will last.
But it wasn't until we interviewed local Real Estate expert Ginger DiPaolo that we got real answers.


Ginger recently obtained her Real Estate License and operates from a pool-front office on Churchill Road. She is known for a keen eye for residential real estate and for sniffing out building trends.
She also likes to eat old socks.
"Listen, pal, it don't take a seeing eye dog to see this crash coming," said Ginger, lounging with a cold one on a recent afternoon. "Too many houses, not enough buyers. It ain't brain surgery."
When asked for a real estate buying tip, Ginger leaned over and whispered two words:
"Dog parks."


368 Churchill Rd.
Ph. - 385-2698
338 Churchill Rd.
Ph. - 758-9223
224 Churchill Rd. (East of Olive)
Ph. 662-8208
203 Churchill Rd. (East of Olive)
Ph. - 329-1709
101 Churchill Rd. (east of Olive)
Ph. 655-8600

Monday, May 22, 2006


The Churchill Road poinciana tree is bursting bright crimson blossoms. The bloom -- like pre-July Fourth fireworks -- annually signals the return of the wet season, which we all know is right around the corner.

Want more info about poinciana trees? click here

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Crab Dip Was The Biggest Hit

The 5-0 birthday bash went well enough that we're still recovering a week later. Around 2 a.m. it looked something like this. Don't worry, not KKK, more like snipe hunting gone awry. Another Churchill Road resident -- he knows who he is -- has been there.
The best thing about the gathering was the crab dip that Stacy Reed made!! Barry and Jane, our pbpost friend (both of them actually KNEW! former Churchillian John Grogan) kept putting the dip back in the microwave to reheat it!
Stacy agreed to share her recipe.

Crab/artichoke dip
The dip is kind of just mixing things together no set recipe, but here is what I did

1 pkg imitation crabmeat chopped
2 pkg cream cheese
1 pkg Parmesan/Romano cheese
1 pkg chopped spinach (drained)
2 tb mayonnaise
1 jar marinated artichoke hearts chopped
Salt to taste

Add all together and warm on stove until cheese is melted. Make sure you keep stirring.

We can't believe we didn't get a pic of Stacy at the party, but here she is with her husband Tim with Bonnie at a gymnastic meet last year: