Saturday, December 30, 2006

Neighborhood spot

WEST PALM BEACH - Our favorite place for a cheap and good breakfast is just walking distance away from Churchill Road.

Just two blocks south of our block on Dixie Highway and Colonial Road is a place called Taylor's Bistro - formerly known as the Country Skillet.

The sign over the door says: Famous Gourmet Cooking and Waffles - who can beat that?

With the expection of inexplicably being closed on Saturday mornings, we couldn't ask for a cuter little diner in our midst.

It's the kind of place where the waitress knows your order and how you take your coffee by the second visit.

Party at the DiPaolos!

It was a spontaneous toast on Churchill Road last Saturday evening.

Mark and Karin; Pam and Ed; sister Cheri; new neighbors Lisa and Ted; and Jeff all joined us for champagne and Italian delicacies to ring in the holidays.

We told stories and Carolyn - after two many glasses of wine - started pointing out everything she had purchased from World Thrift. That is when everyone knew it was time to go home!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Happy Festivus!!

From 7 p.m. Saturday on, the east end of Churchill Road was alive with the sounds of . . . the Fat Bastards.

Inspired by a wine that can do everything including settle neighborhood disputes, the two guitars and bass player were accompanied by drums and keyboard.

And Churchill's own Jeff Needle - who Miles Davis-like -- turned his back on the audience during the show.

Top hits were a blistering version of All Along the Watchtower and some great guitar soloing during a couple Allman Brothers songs. Another crowd-pleaser - a slinky instrumental version of that old song, Spooky.

The band wrapped up with a moving tribute to Derek and the Dominoes.

The Fat Bastard wine was flowing, washing down quiche, hummus, chicken wings and Pizza D'Roma.

The performance was a tribute to Festivus. Let's just say grievances were aired.

We can't wait for the next show!

Monday, December 04, 2006


A recent visit to The Office, the once-jolly bar & grill that is just stumbling distance from Churchill Road, proved to be a real dud.
We could tell something was off when we walked in on a Saturday night. Missing was the usual familiar banter among friendly people. Gone were the happy trio who set up their karioke equipment next to the pool table. Nobody was playing pool, and the only customers were several guys hunched quietly over their beers. The place smelled lonely.
We asked about karioke, and the bartender told us the new owners cancelled the fun audience participation event "because there's no money in it." We asked for some change to play the jukebox. She said the jukebox was off because the patrons -- a real lively bunch -- were watching the college football game.
I've met more cheerful bouncers.
Being good neighbors, we figured we'd have a beer, read the newspaper a little and leave.
We looked over to the right side of the bar, to where they usually keep a copy of today's Palm Beach Post. Instead, there was a well-worn pile of Playboy magazines.
The Churchillian can take a hint.
We won't bother the place again.



Hey everybody!
Monday, December 4th is Scott's (47th) birthday and if anyone wanted to surprise him with a phone call or email, I am sure it would brighten his day! Sorry to mass-email-remind everyone, but he has been really stressed lately and could use a bit of 'birthday' sunshine...especially since he is working on his birthday! (Station 43)

Scott's cell...561-876-4919


A neighbor on Colonial Drive reports at least a dozen homes on his street between Olive Ave and Dixie Highway last week had cars broken into and cash and other items stolen.
The victim reported some recently purchased garden tools were taken from the back of his pickup truck, which was parked in his driveway. One of his neighbors reported his wallet with about $500 in cash was taken from inside his unlocked vehicle.
The other Colonial Drive neighbors who had stuff stolen from their vehicles all said their doors were unlocked. No vehicle or house windows were broken.
The exact number of vehicles and homes broken into could not be determined.
Several other streets south of Churchill Road reported theft from their unlocked vehicles and homes. The Churchillian has received no reports of vehicle or home break-ins on Churchill Road.
Residents notified police.
No arrests have been made.


Despite rumors to the contrary, Ted and Lisa are moving into the yellow house on the south side of Churchill Road.
Hard to believe, but the former home of Trudy has been empty for almost two years.
Closing date is Dec. 9.
The couple plans to move in Dec. 15.


Popular demand brings back an encore performance this weekend by Churchill Road's favorite -- and only -- rock N' roll band.
The Fat Bastards, led by vocalist Jeff Needle, plans a really big Saturday night Dec. 9 show. All are invited, even non-residents of Churchill Road. There's no admission charge, and listeners can bring snacks and drinks.
The last performance featured Jeff and his pals playing blues and rock n' roll 'til the wee hours.
Who knows, maybe this time there'll be a few Chistmas carols.
(Rumor has it Barry's version of "White Christmas" has Bing Crosby turning over in his grave.)

Art on the block

New neighbor Cheri Mittermaier showed her sculpture last weekend at the Armory Art Show and Sale.

Here, she poses with her niece, Churchillian Bonnie DiPaolo, and her work.

Cheri reports that people either love the sculpture or dislike it deeply. And isn't that what art is about?

Congratulations, Cheri!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Marathon day

They were out before dawn this morning, the marathoners. And Churchillians were there to greet them.

With temperatures about 35 degrees above the optimal running temps, according to The Palm Beach Post, the troupers headed south along Flagler Drive to Lake Worth, then back north on Olive Avenue, right past Churchill Road.

Here are some runners just south of Churchill and Olive.

Marathoners, we salute you!