Monday, December 04, 2006


A recent visit to The Office, the once-jolly bar & grill that is just stumbling distance from Churchill Road, proved to be a real dud.
We could tell something was off when we walked in on a Saturday night. Missing was the usual familiar banter among friendly people. Gone were the happy trio who set up their karioke equipment next to the pool table. Nobody was playing pool, and the only customers were several guys hunched quietly over their beers. The place smelled lonely.
We asked about karioke, and the bartender told us the new owners cancelled the fun audience participation event "because there's no money in it." We asked for some change to play the jukebox. She said the jukebox was off because the patrons -- a real lively bunch -- were watching the college football game.
I've met more cheerful bouncers.
Being good neighbors, we figured we'd have a beer, read the newspaper a little and leave.
We looked over to the right side of the bar, to where they usually keep a copy of today's Palm Beach Post. Instead, there was a well-worn pile of Playboy magazines.
The Churchillian can take a hint.
We won't bother the place again.


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