Monday, November 13, 2006


Photo by Churchillian

At least four people were injured when a red SUV and a convertible crashed Monday night, leaving the SUV upside down on the grassy swale and the convertible in a nearby driveway.
Witnesses said the SUV was traveling east on Ellamar Road and went through the stop sign on Olive Avenue about 9 p.m. The convertible, traveling south on Olive Ave., smashed into the SUV, which left skid marks on Olive Ave. The upside-down SUV, its headlights still on, was facing north. The convertible was in the driveway of the home on the southeast corner of Ellamar Rd. and Olive.
"The driver was doing at least 60. They blew right through the stop sign. The driver on Olive never had a chance to stop," said one witness. The speed limit on Olive is 25 miles-per-hour.
About a half-hour after the crash, about a dozen rescue vehicles -- including at least four ambulances -- stayed on the scene. Four persons were seen taken on stretchers to ambulances.
As red, blue and white flashing lights lit up the neighborhood, about three dozen local residents gathered on the sidewalk. They watched as police, pointing to the black skid marks on Olive, tried to figure out how the accident happened.
Several who lived close by said speeding vehicles were a common occurance at the intersection.
Olive Ave. between Churchill Road and Ellamar Rd. was still closed at the Churchillian's press time.


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