Tuesday, September 19, 2006


(Photo by Churchillian)

A 300 game is the next big challenge for Noah Dabill.
The five-year-old Churchill Road resident recently knocked off one of bowling's toughest challenges -- the frustrating, fearsome 7 - 10 split. The shot requires razor-sharp precision to clip one pin and shoot it across the alley to knock over the other. Even Noah's pal, Gary Dickerson, has trouble with this elusive shot.
"I was happy," said the soft-spoken South Olive Elementary school student. Despite persistent questions from the press, Noah refused to reveal details of the ground-breaking event.
But Noah's agent, also known as his father Tom, told how Noah hit paydirt.
After being grounded for playing unauthorized video games, Noah set up the pins in the hallway near his bedroom. A few shots later, Noah announced the good news to his parents.
Reporters found him Tuesday afternoon tossing football passes with his dad. Noah's thinking he might try to make it to the Miami Dolphins as a wide receiver.
"He's already better than most of 'em" said Tom, giving Noah the thumbs up as the kid held onto a pass despite tumbling to the ground. "Look, he didn't drop the ball."


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