Saturday, September 02, 2006


First, the weather wonks warn us the 2006 hurricane season is gonna be busting with storms all the way to Zelda.
Then, they back off and say, well, not so much.
They tout Ernesto as a major one. It turns into a mild one.
Frustrating, ain't it?
So, in the interest of investigative journalism and the fact we have nothing else to do on this cloudy day, the Churchillian asked our resident meteorologist about the rest of the 2006 season.
Scoffing at all that sky-searching gadgetry used on TV, our own Churchill Road weather expert smartly stepped her four feet outside and took a few sniffs. A few looks upwards was all she needed.
She called a press conference to announce her findings.
(Photo by Churchillian)

"Historically speaking, this year's collecting of cirrus and cumulus clouds could crash down on South Florida," said Ginger, who has a Master's degree in Weatherology from Wind University. "However, the resulting coagulation of cirrostatus and cumulonimbus clouds could collide. Hydrostatically and baromatically, that high pressure system could -- I repeat could -- merge into the low pressure system. That would result in a no pressure system."
"And what does that mean?," was the first querry from the press.
Clearly annoyed, Ginger threw down her white pointer and glared at the impertinent questioner.
"Partly cloudy, pal," she said, stomping off back to her nap.


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