Wednesday, August 30, 2006



What could be more exotic than a tropical storm?

After two years of hurricanes, it feels nice to say, "Ah, it's just a tropical storm."

A few frayed
palm fronds and scattered coconuts floating in mud puddles were the meek aftermath from Ernesto, which is now bumbling around south Miami-Dade County like a lost tourist in Disney World. Things were so calm this morning that a few Churchillians were taking down their hurricane shutters.

The royal palms still stood tall on Flagler Drive, despite blustery southeast winds and bands of rain whipping down throughout the night.

"I haven't seen any damage at all," said a coffee-toting bicycle rider pedaling on Churchill and Flagler. "We got lucky this time."

The tropical storm -- Ernesto never had the nerve to become a hurricane -- could reach us with some rain and maybe winds in the 20-MPH range this afternoon.

Just a tropical storm.

Some thought-provoking stories in The Palm Beach Post this morning, including one on why people feel the need to buy things when a crisis is looming.
I liked the headline: The balm before the storm.

We, here on Churchill Road, are just glad we were able to resist the half-off-everything storm sale at Carvel.


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