Friday, August 18, 2006

Back to... life

You have to indulge us, here at the Churchillian, if we wax a little about the second-happiest day of the year -- that being the first day of school.
Everything is just so FORward on the first day of class.
It's more than the new notebooks and sharp pencil points. The fresh-scrubbed, well-groomed tanned young people who suddenly have a sense of purpose.

It's about the clock moving the only way it can -- babies are now kindergarteners; boys and girls who were just a few minutes ago Bonnie's age are now getting their learner permits. Last year's high schoolers are off to college.
The goals are so clear. You can feel the excitement and purpose. After the open house at Bonnie's new middle school - I was ready to sign up myself.
So, good bye late nights and lazy mornings. So long Nickelodean marathons. We're ready. We're busy and we're goin' for the gold.

(Above, Bonnie on the first day of middle school - and on the first day of fifth grade last year.)


Blogger The DiPaolos said...

So what's the first happiest day of the year?

5:32 PM  
Blogger The DiPaolos said...

The first day of summer!

9:31 PM  

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