Sunday, June 18, 2006

Talkin' bout my generator

This just in from neighbor Barry!

And now, sure to bore even the most ardent Churchillian fan:

Run Your Generator on Natural Gas!

I made the plunge last week and ordered a natural gas conversion kit
for my little Coleman generator. Now I can run on gasoline or natural
gas, which I already have installed in my house. You could also use
propane. Added bonus; there are almost ZERO emissions! I installed the
kit in about and hour and had the thing fired up today. It was a little
harder to pull start, but it sure beats lugging those 5 gallon gas cans

Alternate Fuel Technologies, Inc.
1-877-425-8383 Rich
This is the only place on-line that I found where you can actually TALK
to someone. And there are great installation photos on the web site.
The "dual fuel" kit was $187.


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