Sunday, June 11, 2006


OK, so John Grogan, best-selling author and Churchill Road's most famous former resident is a big shot. In fact, you can read his blog.
And, guess what? So is the cheddar cheese house.
Hollywood is hammering on the guy's door. The Churchillian has learned they are talking about making a movie.
Don't believe it? Barry was on a website that confirms a Grogan groupie made a pilgrimage from her timeshare in Pompano Beach to Churchill Road. Just to bask at the mangy mutt's former homestead.

Still don't believe it? Go on the web and try to buy a copy of THE LAST HOME RUN, a hard-to-find movie that features Marley and a mystery Churchill Road resident.
Copies are going for more than $100 -- if you can find one.

Barry is featured in the book Marley and Me as the "fearless single woman" across the street who helps try to chase down a criminal.
She recently wrote in.
That's why Churchill Road residents are all asking -- who'll play Churchill Road's fearless heroine in the movie?


Blogger The DiPaolos said...

And we know he even watches the reruns!

10:01 PM  

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