Sunday, September 10, 2006


She looks fine now, but on Thursday evening Bonnie DiPaolo dislocated her knee when she completed a round-off/back handspring at her gym.

Coaches R. and Jill knew exactly what to do, wrapping the knee in ice and keeping the young gymnast calm until her parents arrived.

A tense ride to Good Samaritan Hospital was followed by excellent care from the staff. Aunt Cheri rushed to the ER and was the only visitor in the room when the docs came in -- and fixed the knee in about 10 seconds.

Bonnie's screams could be heard down the hall and through the locked double doors, bystanders reported. It went something like, "Shriek! Shriek! Shriek! Shriek! I love you!!" as the doctors did their work.

The cost: just one missed day of school. The prize: lots of sympathy from the Churchill neighbors who see Bonnie hobbling around on crutches.


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