Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A year ago today

A year ago today, Hurricane Wilma was raking across Florida. I went back and looked and although we have pictures from Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne, I have no record of any of the destruction of Hurricane Wilma.

Here is what I remember -- daytime hurricane, worse than Frances or Jeanne, 10 days without electricity.

Losing power wasn't as bad this time around, probably because the weather was cooled by the late October change of seasons.

Bill and I kept working at The Post while Cheri took Bonnie and Uncle Frank and Aunt Olive to Orlando to get out of the fray.

Churchill Road was a little deserted as Churchillians decamped for more comfortable accommodations.

A year later, we're grateful for an uneventful run-up to the holidays. And we brace for next year!


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