Friday, January 26, 2007


(Photo by Churchillian)

Dead as a doornail -- that was the dreary look of The Office on Friday night. Even the bright neon motorcycle in the window was dark.
The South Dixie bar, once a hot spot for local music and good lunches, has been diving downhill in recent weeks since new owners bought the place. Surly bartenders and the dropping of karioke -- a Saturday night favorite -- didn't help.
Churchillians will miss the place.
But look at it this way. Maybe a better spot will sprout up.

Friday, January 19, 2007


No, that's not the Statue of Liberty escaped from Battery Park waltzing down Dixie Highway.
The other day, your Churchillian correspondent was having lunch in Taylor's Bistro when Mr. Liberty stopped in -- wearing that green cape and a hat with points coming out.
Your correspondent wasn't sure whether to stand up and salute or laugh.
Mr. Liberty told the waitress -- apparently accustomed to his outfit -- that he will be waving to curious motorists until tax day on April 15.
He says it gets hot out there. How much business he brings in, Mr. Liberty said he is unsure.
The waitress handed him his coffee. Watching Mr. Liberty reach under his cape for cash to pay seemed somehow unpatriotic. Then, with a flourish, he gathered his cape, straighted his pointy hat, and walked out the door.
He resumed his pedestal -- er, position -- on Dixie.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New neighbor needs help

Hello Fellow Churchillians,
I need some help.
As you know we moved into the house during the record breaking rain weekend in Dec. While moving in we found out the roof was leaking in the FL room.
I have a large glass hutch that I keep special glass collected from my travels.
The movers couldn't put the hutch on the stand because water was cascading down the wall from the roof.
It has finally been patched and it takes 4 strong men to lift it on to the stand. I am willing to pay for the help.
Ted work's 6 days a week and usually has either Fri. or Sat off.
If any one is willing to help I will be forever grateful.
I will finally be able to UNPACK my collection, something I really want to do.
Thanks so much!!
Lisa Gennarelli 586-3096

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Churchlike and chilling, the Fat Bastards churned out a cantankerous version Saturday night of that classic blues song, "Stormy Monday."
A last-minute performance by Jeff and his pals Saturday night drew an overflow crowd.
We watched a flat-handed drummer, an incredibly touchy guitarist, an outlandish bass player and a usually grovelly Jeff tell us:
"Tuesdays are just as bad.
Wednesday's worse.
And Thursdays all so sad.
The eagle flies on Friday,
Saturday I go out to play.
Sunday I go to church,
Gonna kneel down and pray.
Though I'm tryin and tryin to find my baby,
Won't someone please send her home to me."

And when you hear a blues song that has the guts to better tear out your heart and stamp it hard back down your throat, let me know.


Tonight only - spontaneous concert at Jeff Needle's house!
Accostic only.
8 o'clock!