Thursday, February 23, 2006

Save it for a rainy day

The DiPaolos were embarrassingly lucky when it came to Hurricane Wilma damage.
The toll was a bent fence, one royal palm tree and - a few days after the storm when the blustery weather wouldn't stop - a nearly new patio umbrella. A stiff breeze just tipped over the umbrella, concrete table and all.
Carolyn dutifully trotted the sage-color umbrella with the broken spokes to the curb and went looking for another in time for the First Annual Winston Churchill's birthday fete.
The umbrella disappeared as almost all things do that are left at the curb here, and we didn't give it a second thought.
Until we rounded the corner one day at Dixie Highway.
There, the once-humble umbrella stood again proudly. Sheltering the comings and goings at the Fruta Fresca.


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