Monday, December 04, 2006


Despite rumors to the contrary, Ted and Lisa are moving into the yellow house on the south side of Churchill Road.
Hard to believe, but the former home of Trudy has been empty for almost two years.
Closing date is Dec. 9.
The couple plans to move in Dec. 15.


Blogger Lisa Gennarelli-Herman said...

Hello to all on beautiful Churchill RD.
Ted & I feel so belssed to be a part of such a wonderful neighborhood. Thank you Bill & Carolyn and beautiful Bonnie for the invite to celebrate Christmas with you at your beautiful home. The food was delicious and the Chanpagne, my personal favorite was perfect. We feel so honored and blessed to be a part of such a wonderful neighborhood. I can't begin to tell you what a long journey it has been getting here after seeing the house for the first time by just driving by last July. We feel so blessed our prayers were answered and we are finally HOME!! Thanks for all of the hospitality and warm welcome. Hopefully soon we will be able to invite every one over for a gathering here so you can get to know us. We have 2 grown sons 32 & 30 AND 4 BEAUTIFUL Grandchildren 3 girls ranging in ages 14-9 and one grandson Tyler turned 5 last July. They all live in Indiana and will be visiting sometime this year. God willing.
Thanks Bill & Carolyn and beautiful Bonnie for inviting us to your delightful Christmas Celebration. It was so nice to meet all of you, I enjoyed it so much and so did Ted once he was finally able to join us. As you can tell he works a lot and I am home every day. We are both chef's so we will be cooking for all very soon. Thanks Tom for cutting the grass for us before we moved in and for the delicious sandwiches. What a blessing to be a part of such a beautiful community. Our door is always open to any one that might need a favor or any thing we have to offer. Sincerely we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Happy New Year to all!
Ted Herman & Lisa Gennarelli
368 Churchill RD

11:51 AM  
Blogger Lisa Gennarelli-Herman said...

Hello Fellow Churchillian's
I need some help. As you know we moved into the house during the record breaking rain weekend in Dec. While moving in we found out the roof was leaking in the FL room. I have a large glass hutch that I keep special glass collected from my travels. The movers couldn't put the hutch on the stand because water was cascading down the wall from the roof. It has finally been patched and it takes 4 strong men to lift it on to the stand. I am willing to pay for the help. Ted work's 6 days a week and usually has either Fri. or Sat off. If any one is willing to help I will be forever grateful. I will finally be able to UNPACK my collection, something I really want to do. Thanks so much!!
Lisa Gennarelli

8:41 AM  

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