Wednesday, March 01, 2006

News from Churchill West

Alert neighbors will remember Jewelee, Scott and little Sabrina of the 500 block of Churchill Road from the first annual Winston Churchill birthday party. Jewelee, who we often see walking with her baby daughter, is a flight attendant. Scott is a firefighter. They pass along lots of good news:

We are all doing great. Sabrina is growing like a weed and now has 4 teeth, which she loves to show off with her big grin. She has big news to be smiling about....we all do....she is going to be a big sister (September 21st is the estimated due date). I am still going to be flying for a few more months, probably until June. Scott has been extra busy with the fire department trying to pick up any extra shifts that he can.

We are abandoning our vanity on March 17th at Brogue's Irish Pub in Lake Worth. We will be participating in an event called St Baldricks. It is a HEAD SHAVING event to raise money for childhood cancer....yes...we are going bald! The link below will take you directly to my 'before photo' and donation page. You can also find Scott's page in there with his soon to be released 'before' photo. I have not yet met my goal of raising $2000, so if you (or anyone/everyone you know) would like to make a donation you can click on that link. I have been trying to get everyone I know involved and have had fun getting absolute strangers on a plane to pitch in as little as $2, after all every little bit helps! If you guys don't already have plans, please try to come down to Lake Worth to watch the is a lot of fun!

(Click here to see Jewelee's before photo)

That is probably all the news in our world, hope this finds you all doing great! Keep in Touch when you can....and feel free to mention St Baldrick's in the Blog ...might be good to warn the neighbors of the upcoming baldness on the

Take Care...

Jewelee, Scott & Sabrina Landis


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