Saturday, March 11, 2006


Someday, Noah's gonna pick up that pesky 7-10 split.
But in the meantime, the slender southpaw sharpens his game at the Tropical Verdes Lanes off Belvedere Road. On a recent Saturday, Noah rolled six games, with a top score of 86.
"I practice at home so I can be good," said the Boca Raton-born bowler. To learn the finer points of the pin game, the Churchill Road resident records pro bowling on Tivo, watching stars such as his favorite, Gary Dickerson.
Typically modest, the 4-year-old said his best game was 65. His biggest fan, his father Tom, quickly corrected Noah and said the high score was 116.
One of Noah's favorite shots is the tricky 3-6-10. Despite his 45-pound frame, Noah says he has made the shot, known as a toughie in the bowling biz.
"Yeah, I can pick that one up sometimes," Noah said, setting up mini pins in his living room for practice. "But I've never picked up the 7-10."


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