Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gimme Peace!!

Ever wonder why you feel completely worn out by the time Saturday rolls around? Tough week at work? Getting old? I say none of the above; blame it on the city! What with the trash truck, recycling truck, yard debris claw and the street-sweeper all butting into our lives during the wee hours of Friday and Saturday morning, no wonder we feel wrecked by the weekend!

Experiments on humans found that REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep deprivation leads to poor performance on a variety of recall tests and logical tasks. REM sleep often occurs early in the morning, just before waking up. Just about the time the claw shows up on Churchill Road. I believe that all of this has lead to a loss of productivity of a large number of Palm Beach County residents, and therefore a reduction in our tax base.

Of course, things improve over the summer months when we all have our windows closed and A/C on. My savior is a big ‘ol wall unit producing a constant white-noise drone right over my head. That wall unit is probably the only reason I’ve survived this long (13 years) with all the ruckus of the city trucks. But there’s no denying the fact that our peace is being disturbed by the very forces which are in place to protect the peace – our government. Yet a Palm Beach County ordinance prohibits vessels or vehicles from exceeding 90 dB(A) at a distance of 50 feet. (For reference a blender produces about 90 decibels, an emergency vehicle about 110. I would venture to guess that any of the city maintenance trucks can out-do a good blender.) So why do we suffer? Guess I’ll have to ask Lois. Will keep you posted...



Blogger The DiPaolos said...

Barry - I think the Friday morning yard waste pick up is the worst!
I can hear that crane coming from blocks away.
Ah, the price of urban living.
- Carolyn

8:28 AM  

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